Casement Windows

What Is The Cost Of Installing New Casement Windows?

Casement windows are a type of window attached to the frame by hinges on the side, as opposed to having hinges on the top such as awning windows, or bottom hinged windows known as hoppers. They can have single or double layers of glass, and casement windows with two layers have hinges on the outside. Single paned are less expensive than double paned casement windows, but if you live in an area known for inclement this may not be the best design for your home. The number of windows you have will have a significant impact on the price of new casement windows for your home, obviously, but remember to also figure in the additional installation costs of each window when pricing out your purchase.


Pricing Of Casement Windows Compared To Other Window Types


Low to mid range casement windows in the United States can cost between $350 and $550 for the window itself, with installation costs varying from $100-$250 for each opening. The most expensive choices can go for up to $1,000. They are pricier than double-hung windows, which slide up and down instead of crank inwards, or outwards to open. Double-hung windows range between $125-350 for standard styles, and up to $700 for custom or designer types. Garden windows are significantly more expensive, but they are not generally installed for each window opening since they extend from the exterior of the house, similar to a bow window. They can be anywhere from $500 to $2500, and cost up to $2,000 to be installed.


Factors Determining The Price Of Casement Windows


The type of crank used to open the windows, size of the window itself, material, number of panes of glass, type of material and manufacturer can affect the price of casement windows. Hundreds of manufacturers of casement windows exist in the United States and Canada to choose from, and the several that are most popular also cost more than the rest. Most companies sell pre-made casement windows, but if you choose custom windows because you have irregular window sizes you will have to spend several hundred dollars or more additionally. 

Windows that push out to open rather than opening inward or having a crank to open them are the cheapest type of casement windows, since they have no hardware. They also require less cost for labor, since they can be put in place more quickly. Trim and installation is generally included in the price stated for the windows themselves.

Choosing a material for your casement windows should not only be based on the price, but what is best for your home, since they have significant differences in the amount of upkeep and maintenance required, and durability. Some people choose wood, mostly because they lend a traditional style to the home. They also are one of the most expensive types; require painting or varnishing when installed and afterwards when the windows or trim become worn. Steel casement windows also expensive, but requires less care and lasts longer than wood. Fiberglass and aluminum are mid priced casement window types, and can be shaped and painted to look like wood. Vinyl is the least expensive material, but also a good choice for most people's needs. They can be designed to appear like wood, are not vulnerable to rot, rust or decay, and can be painted to give your casement windows whatever look matches your architectural style.


How Can I Find Out What Casement Windows Will Cost For My Home?


There are calculators on the Internet available to help you figure out what you would need to spend to replace your current windows with new casement windows. You must measure your windows first, and have decided if you would like all or some of your windows to be double-hung. Smaller windows sometimes can only be single paned, if there is not sufficient space for double-hung windows in that area. You should have also decided the material that will work for your house to make this decision, and consider labor prices in your area for the installation.